Friday, March 21, 2008

Mommy Mckenzie

I just thought I would make mention of how funny Mckenzie has been lately. (mostly for my own record keeping) :) She loves to play and take care of her stuffed animals. She has 3 teddy bears--a daddy bear, a mommy bear, and a little baby bear; She also has a mommy minnie mouse and a baby minnie mouse. These stuffed animals are like all HER kids. She plays ring around the rosies with them, feeds them, she is very good about putting them in bed for naps, and yesterday I actually caught her disciplining them all. I seriously was cracking up. She would individually put each of them on "the chair" (this is her timeout) and would stand in front of it so they couldn't get off; and then she would turn and say while shaking her finger "No hitting! No Spitting. OK. Chair. Ok. Oh-? lay on bed. OK." (this is what she has to do if she won't stay on the chair or if she continues to cry/scream). Then she would proceed to take her bear or Minnie to her bed and she would come out and say "stay there!" and she would close the door. Then a minute later she would go back in and get her precious animal and say, "OK. Give hug. OK kiss. Say Sorry. OK. Love you. Be Happy. OK That's better. Oh yes." (she says "oh, yes!" to everything) She went through this process with each one and I seriously was cracking up. I kept trying to emphasize that her animals were much happier after they thought about what they had done wrong, but I don't think she really caught on to what I was trying to teach her about it. So anyway, I got to see first hand what I look like when I am trying to discipline her. :)This is obviously a common occurance in our home as of lately. :)


The Larson's said...

Okay that seriously cracks me up! McKenzie is so funny! She is a little momma :). I have had so much fun on our walks and I hope they continue. Hope you had a great day!

Kirsti said...

That is so funny! Kids understand more than we think sometimes, it's amazing how smart they really are. She's adorable!

Summer said...

what a cutie!! how are you guys? hope you dont mind if i add you guys to our blog. i cant believe how big she is getting! happy easter!

Kevin, Amber & Jake said...

MEG! it looks so good! you are doing a great job! love it! if you ever want to change ur background- just let me know! hopefully i was a good teacher! :/ not sure... but it looks awesome!

Kevin, Amber & Jake said...

oh i forgot... HOW CUTE IS MCKENZIE! that is hilarious! i love the age she is at! i bet you laugh all day, every day! oh- btw- we need to have "the bachelor" watching parties! sound fun? oops now everyone knows we watch it! haha
here's my blog

Amanda B. said...

Wow, Meg! I think Leah & Mckenzie really are similar! I go through the same thing when trying to discipline Leah. I take her to sit in her time-out spot. She will never stay there so I always end up making her go lay on her bed. Then I have to stand at the door of her room in order to keep her in! How funny that Mckenzie was role-playing that. She's so cute.

Mango said...

She is so adorable! I am glad that you are a blog hopper, I am too! It is great when I have a little down time at work! I miss you guys! We need to catch up!

Rusty and Tara said...

I love when they mimic what you do! Sure make you stop and think twice.....

What a sweetie!

Becky Jorgensen said...

Megan I didn't know you had a blog! I had seen yours through Ambers but anyways I love it and MaKenzie is adorable with her stuffed animals. Girls are so girls, I swear! Does does the same thing and I think, I really need to watch what I say to her LOL

Tiffany Webber said...

Hey Megan! I found your blog on Summer's! Blogging is fun huh? Your little Mckenzie is so cute! That is hilarious! Send me your e-mail and then I can invite you to read my blog!

Erickson Fam said...

McKenzie is so cute!! I miss being with her in nursery. I'm glad to see you're doing a blog. I plan to stop by often!
Mine is one of those annoying 'private' blogs. I'll send you an invite.