Monday, June 16, 2008

June blues...

May Madness brought a case of the June Blues. After one crazy month last month...June has come with its own bit of craziness. For us, June came with fevers, croup, dislocated arms, and a yucky cold. Mckenzie literally laid on our couch for a good 5 days going in and out of consciousness. :) I always feel so bad when she is sick. However, I'll be honest--I really could have done without the middle of the night awakenings....its really been like the newborn stage all over again. And then to top it all--last sunday about 10 minutes before church we (meaning I) inflicted a case of nursemaid's elbow(partially dislocated elblow) on her. She has had this before (self-inflicted that time) and its something that once it happens once, tends to happen quite easily there after. I was trying to do her hair and she was trying to run I pulled her arm trying to get her to come back and well, lets just say the arm came, but she didn't. :) So rather than go to church we took our screaming little girl to the ER where they popped her arm back in and then rewarded her with ice cream and a popsicle. Some of you may ask...why were they taking her to church when she was sick?? In hindsight I say this is a good question. Sunday she woke up with no fever and only a bit of runny nose so I assumed she was getting better, and thought we could just take her to the first hour of church and then one of us would just take her home after that. And she actually had a good day Sunday (minus the arm thing) until that night and the fever spiked again--not to go away again until 3 days later. :) So basically, the whole church thing back-fired on us. Oh well...better luck next time I guess.
Luckily, she is feeling much better now and we are now looking forward to many fun, sunny days spent in the pool and at the park. We welcome summer and good health with open arms.


Anonymous said...

having a sick kid is the worst. Bayles was sick last week too and oh, I felt so bad for the little guy. Hope you have good times at the pool this month:)

The Larson's said...

That is so sad! Poor McKenzie and honestly Megan you are so being called into DCFS for your child abuse :)! Okay so hopefully all is better and we can start hanging out soon! I hope you change your sadness to happiness soon :)!

The Greenwoods said...

That is terrible! So sad for little McKenzie. I hate when they get sick. I am glad to hear she is doing better

Paul or Lindsay said...

Yeah, croup is the worst!!! I think Sabrina has allergies too. Let's just hope the rest of the summer goes better for both of us!!

Marci said...

So, I just found your blog and had to say HI. I think the last time I saw you, you just found out you were having a girl. That has been a long time. Its great to see all is going well. We need to catch up sometime. You can check out our blog at Anyway tell your whole family hello from me when you get to talk to them.

Hiatts said...

I am so sorry, I hate having sick kids. Kaitlyn did the old nurse mai1d elbow thing once and scared us to death. we had no idea what she had done and too ended up in the ER. hope McKenzie is feeling better now.

Becky Jorgensen said...

poor you!! Thats so much to go through! I love Kelly's comment. DCFS haha my brother had that happen to his little girl just picking her up. OH and we need to get together, take the girls swimming and go VT K

Erickson Fam said...

Ahh, poor thing. It's terrible when our children get sick. You're a good mom for trying to make it to at least the first hour of church!
I hope you get a good nights rest pretty soon here.

Kirsti said...

That is a lot to go through. But hey she has got to learn at some point that church = getting your hair done and there is no way out of it! We all had to learn it, some just have to learn the hard way.

Amanda B. said...

Oh Megan, I know I've told you that my Leah is a "little" defiant and I'm always afraid that I'm going to dislocate some body part on her when I'm trying to help her cooperate. I'm so sorry that happened to you! And sick kids really is so stressful and exhausting. I hope everyone is doing better now!!

Rusty and Tara said...

Holy cow--I bet you felt so bad about her arm! I think I'll just start tugging at kids legs now. Which do you think is worse--dislocated elbow or falling on your face??

The Sillito Family said...

I'm glad we're not the only ones that have Sunday morning hair battles. Why is it only Sunday mornings? Someday when Jacey's old enough to give me a real answer I'll have to ask her that one.

Jeff and Chelsi Pulley Family said...

Talmage has the same elbow issue. It's dislocated probably 5 times and it literally takes nothing to make it happen. I am sorry to say that "nothing" is usually me trying to get him to move in a direction he is not interested in going. It is really sad when it happens and they scream a lot so you think they have a serious injury. Fortunately, Jeff knows how to pop it back in or we'd be living at the ER by now. Good luck in July. Hopefully no sick 2 year olds to get you down!

Bethany said...

Don't be sad, don't have June Blues
The Coppell 1st Ward beckons you...

When you get here, your blues will be gone.
So come on, come on, get a move on. :)

Hey so I know you're moving this weekend. I just happened to discover your blog and I'm wondering if you want to be friends. :)

See you at church, lady!