Sunday, May 23, 2010

She's ONE!!

Oh my SWEET SWEET Brinley!! I can't believe she's one already!! She's getting so BIG!! It seems like just yesterday she was so small and would actually let me hold and snuggle her up a tiny bit. She has brought more happiness than I ever thought possible to our little family. Her eyes are so pure and her smile is sooo contagious, and her rolls and cheeks so squeezable....what not to love?!! I can't help but think about how she looked only a year ago... just a bundle of joy.

photo credit Whitni Parker Photography

We had a fun little celebration last Friday where we gave her some presents....

which she did not want....
And sang to her and blew out a candle.....

that she LOVED.

And gave her some carrot cake.....(I've been really wanting some lately)

which she did not like....

This is how she tells us she is "DONE!"

We tried so hard to get her to eat this little cake..but she wanted nothing to do with it. I thought if I could just get a little in her mouth she would taste the goodness and devour it. Nope. What? A kid of mine? Not like cake? hmmmm.. I blame the carrots...Brinley HATES vegetables. Always has. I thought if I grated them up extra small and coated them with sugar and all that other goodness she would eat them, no doubt. But any little bits of cake we got in her mouth were spit out seconds later. Kind of made the cake thing lame, but oh well. :) I guess I should have just frosted a block of cheese or something. She probably would have loved that. :)

So now that Brinley is one she spends her time doing this.....

getting into ALL my cupboards and drawers. I think she empties this drawer at least 5 times a day. I have mixed feeling about this. While its nice it offers some distraction while I make gets a little old putting all the contents back in over and over again. And I have recently caught her doing THIS on more than one occasion....

The picture quality is bad, but that's a cup in her hand on its way into the trash. So that's fun. :)

Brinley also enjoys this now that she's one....

Facing forward! YAY.I always love this milestone. But I'm not sure how Kenzie feels about this. Any guesses?:)

(I really wish I could add more foods to this list)
The trash can
Running away whenever I change her diaper or clothes (such a funny girl)
Saying "DAAADD!!!"
Her bed
Going outside
Kenzie--she's not happy after she wakes up till she sees her
SHOES--always carrying around someones shoes

the carseat
sitting on laps
(basically being restrained by any means)

p.s. Kenzie decided that Brinley's birthday was also going to be "Cookie's" birthday (a.k.a Shamu) and insisted on getting some pictures of him as well. I think she was a little annoyed at all the pictures being taken of Brinley and not her. :) FUNNY GIRL.


Brett and Colene said...

Happy Birthday to Brinley...what a doll:)

Keri and Derek said...

Wow, I really can't believe she is one. . She is SO cute!

Eric and Amber said...

It seems like she was just born! Happy Birthday Brinley!

Tara said...

Brinley, so are the sweetest thing ever. I love you.

The Larson's said...

Wow that went by so fast! She is so big! I hope that we can get together soon! It has been too long! Rick's official start date is August 2 so it is only a matter of time before we hang out :)!

The Loveridge Family said...

Happy Birthday Brinley! What a cutie. I love that she didn't like her presents or her cake! Isn't that what birthdays are all about?? Your little McKenzie cracks me up! You have such cute girls! Give Brin a big birthday hug!

Kelli Proctor said...

OH wow, you have got the cutest girls! Making me so excited to watch Roxy grow up too!!

Adrienne, Hanna, Hayden & Garrett said...

Found your blog but I can't subscribe.!?