Thursday, September 3, 2009


taken at 2 months

So I realized I really haven't posted much about this sweet little girl with all that's been going on this summer. She is already 3 1/2 months!! Where does time go?! This little girl makes me so HAPPY. She just has such a funny little personality and makes me laugh. She started smiling at about 6 weeks and its been so fun to watch her personality develop since then.

Things I love about Brinley:
  • Her little happy squeals. She doesn't really coo like most babies--she just squeals and blows bubbles.
  • When she smiles, everyone smiles. Its impossible not to.
  • Her big cheeks and HUGE double chin (really, whats not to love?)
  • She sleeps good. I've decided that its harder to love your baby when they don't sleep. Luckily for us, my babies have slept good. Lots of LOVE. :)

taken 5 minutes ago
  • She rolls already.
  • She does sit ups. (more like crunches, but its quite amazing)

one of her first rolls, kenzie's good at helping her flip back over.

YES, its true. She started rolling just before her 3 month birthday. I don't think Mckenzie rolled till almost 5 months so this was quite a shock to us. But honestly, its because she does all these crunches. She is STRONG. I'll show you some pictures. She probably does AT LEAST 100 crunches each day. And its not just one here and there. She'll do sets of 10-15 in a row.

Talk about a BABY SIX PACK!! She has rolls everywhere else-LOTS of them, but not her stomach- the stomach is firm. I really did feel her stomach today while she was doing some sit ups and it was hard. Harder than mine. (not that that's saying much right now, but still) I think we might make a baby workout video. It would pretty much be awesome!

Even in her car seat--she is trying to sit up. She never just "chills". Always, trying to move and get somewhere. :)

I SO LOVE this little Brinley!


The Cooking Schaack said...

Ha Ha this made me Laugh Go BRINLEY !!! SHe needs to to teach us Cali Schaacks about them sit ups we could use some good tummy workouts :} THanks for posting all of these. It fun for us to look at it and makes it a little easier to be so far away. Glad things are going well!!

Josh said...

Cute kids! I'm impressed she's rolling already. Sammy just started, literally, like 3 days ago - and he's 6 months!

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh, that picture of Brinley in the bathtub is so cute! Keep these posts coming. Alli's right--it makes me feel like you're not quite so far away. WE MISS YOU GUYS!!

Amanda B. said...

She's really cute, Megan. I loved reading about all her little qualities. I can tell you love being a mom. And I love your family picture on the side-bar. Gorgeous!

A huge congrats to Russ on his graduation! What a great accomplishment.

Melissa and Justin said...

first all congrats Russ! Also your summer and new areas you have found look so stinking fun especially that little cove area. Brinley is way cute! I can't believe it has been 3.5 months and she is rolling over, insane. I love the crunches thing, Ellie did that also and has a pretty tough little tummy. If my next one does that I am going to get down and do them with her and hopefully get my abs back also.

Tara said...

oh man--I'm going to wake up my kids I'm laughing so hard at that pic of her in the tub! What a sweet sweet little girl!
Blake isn't even close to rolling--we put him on his tummy today and he spit up, smashed his face in the spit up, and started to cry. When we picked him up he had spit up in his eyebrows, hair, and on his nose. Rolling would have been a lot better....

Eli said...

brinley really is so cute! i love those pics, hopefully we can see yall again soon :)

The Larson's said...

I MISS YOU! Can we please live in the same city again??!! It has been way too long and Brinley is so big! We need to talk soon! I need to hear about your move and everything else that has been going on!

Rach said...

Great pics- looks like you guys are finding plenty of fun things to do there. I need to learn perfect crunch form from Brinley! That's awesome.

Kelli Proctor said...

oh wow, what a doll! She seems like she has SOOO much personality! I love the name by the way! so cute! Also congrats to Russ too, thats awesome!