Friday, December 4, 2009

An Early Resolution

This post is mostly for me...consider it an early New Years Resolution.

I am going to be a better blogger.

I have spent the past hour blog stalking most of you and realized how fun it is to get caught up on all the fun things you are doing. It has re-kindled a like, not love, but like, for blogging. It can be fun. So for anyone who reads this..expect more posts to be coming soon. :) And my apologies for how lame I've been lately.


The Loveridge Family said...

Meg, Life gets busy....and sometimes blogging is the last thing you think about!!!! I don't know about you....but most of my day is playing with my kids. I don't want to be known as the Mom that is always on the computer! Although, I must say, I love to read what everyone is up too. I guess you just do your best! I can't wait to see more posts! How is Russ doing with his practice? I hope your family is doing well! Love ya!!

p.s. You're right...when you guys came out in June, we had just found out about the whole baby thing. It was a crazy time with the MRI stuff and being prego. Don't worry about just finding out, we didn't tell anyone until I was 20 weeks! It's made it go by really fast. We are hoping to have her sometime in Jan.

Bethany said...

I read it... and I'm going to hold you to it. I'll be expecting more posts. :)

(PS, want to know what someone told me when I first started blogging? They said just to make a commitment about how often I'd blog. She said she thought once a week was good. So I committed to myself to do it at least once a week. For whatever that's worth. :)

Hiatts said...

yeah I am excited to see some pictures of your darling girls!!